Friday, February 5, 2010

Humans and mice share 99 percent of their genes, and shared a common ancestor about 70 million years ago. Thus?


the racial term of ';human'; should be eliminated, as it is useless? and mice share 99 percent of their genes, and shared a common ancestor about 70 million years ago. Thus?
Thus we are all ratsHumans and mice share 99 percent of their genes, and shared a common ancestor about 70 million years ago. Thus?

If we shared a common ancestor about 70 MILLION YEARS AGO....

and WE obviously EVOLVED into DIFFERENT species

Why would we eliminate it?

The chicken and the dinosaur had common ancestry, does that mean we should eliminate the term chicken!?

Numerous amounts of organisms share common genetics, but as they do not share them 100%, we have different species cause even a .000005 creates a difference
Actually, if you read carefully and THINK, you'll see that the article says that only 80% of our genes are identicle to that of mice. The other 19% are genes which mice and men have counterparts for.

In point of fact, we are 98% identical, genetically, to Chimps.
It was a divergent evolution. Thus we are a seperate species so human is still human.
I think you're wrong about that...鈥?/a>
whites and blacks are 99.8% identical but in that .2% are billions of differences because we are such complex organisms
Worms share 95% of their DNA with humans, or so I was told in a chat room.
are you callin me a rat?

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