Spread some golden syrup on brown paper and lay that on the floor near to where you suspect their hole is. With luck (and assuming they've got a sweet tooth!) you should catch them when they get stuck to the treacle - then you can ';kill them humanely'; (said to avoid the wrath of the animal lovers who don't mind having rodents in their premises) or alternatively you can do what everybody else would do - smash their heads in with a hammer whilst saying ';The rest of your family will get this too when I catch them'; ! ! !PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!!! Why do I still have mice?
do you live near a field? as there are more than the usual amount of field mice about.
Is there any nest that is near by, either inside or outside your house?
You might be better getting in the pest control, as they would have a better idea of how to get rid of them.
Are you in a position to be able to get a cat to get rid of them?
or could you borrow a friends cat, as they can soon sniff out a nest of mice.
If you are in the UK contact your Civic Centre and ask for pest control. I get this nuisance every single winter because I have a field at the back of my house and they come in for the warmth. The ';rat catcher'; will come and put down poison which is stronger than you can buy yourself once a week until all signs disappear. I must have had about 20 or more mice in my loft at one time and it took ages to clear them out. It was almost as if there was a ball up there and I couldnt sleep.I too keep my house very clean so its not a matter of cleanliness. Make sure that you keep things like pasta, rice and lentils in plastic containers...dont leave any food out at all at night. I wholly sympathise with you as I have either a mouse or a rat under my sink at the moment. Its damned annoying because you have to be so careful that they dont get into your food.
Your going to have to find out where they're coming in at. Just remember, that mice can get inside using the smallest of holes. You can either block the holes with metal, with something like metal flashing (flat metal tin), or if it's a small hole that you find you can even use a SOS or Brillo pad. Also, if you can have some cats outside, that would help alot. You'll never rid your house of mice until you can find out where they're coming in at. Sometimes it gets so bad, you have to call professional exterminators out. Also remember, if you put poison out (D-Con rat and mice killer is really good...and can be purchased at Wal-mart), they can die under the house or between the walls, causing a pretty bad smell for several days. Best of luck to you.
you need a puddy tat (cat). it might help with that depression too.
you should get yourself a cat you will have no mice then or try putting the rind off a rasher of bacon rather than something sweet in the traps they might work better
Tiny mices can find their way throught the smallest hole or gap. Try to see where they come from or where they want to go when you chase them... When chased they will usually try to go back to where they came from. When you find the gap or hole, try to fill it...
Do you live in the country or the city. In the country around trees nearly impossible to rid your self of them completely. I put down mouse traps under the stove, they like the heat with small cookies or wafers surprisingly they love cookies. Good Luck!!!
As for the poison please don't use it for two reasons
1. It is a very painful death
2. The mouse/mice can get into your walls before they die and when the die in the walls it stinks really really bad. Been there done that.
Well, the poison block I suggested the last time you posted this hasn't had time to work. Your questions are private so I can't check how long ago that was - yesterday?
Try some chocolate in the trap, something sticky or borrow a neighbours cat.
Get these really neat things at the store ( I got mine at Lowe's) they also have them at Walmart, Sam's, Target or any store like them. You plug them in your wall they make a noise that we can't hear and it chases them away.Also look to see whre they are coming in at. If it's a basement get some morter plug the hole. If that don't work get a cat.These are the things I did any my mice are gone!!!!
There was a question about electric plug-in bug deterrents earlier from a lady, living in a barn conversion and troubled with spiders. Two replies said that they not only got rid of the spiders but cockroaches and mice, too. May have been in House %26amp; Garden/Maintenance.
Yep! Just back-tracked - it was asked by AJay in the Home and Garden Section, sub-section ';Maintenance %26amp; Repairs';
';Try some ';Mothballs'; Mice hate the smell of them I have used them for years in my aviary and garden shed.You can buy them at your local chemist at about a 拢1 a packet place them near their runs, or holes.
try poison in jam it works !!
Even if you kill the mischief of mice (cute collective term, nasty rodents) they will keep on coming like the plague.
Because the mice can be bred in one particular house, and these mice follow the trail their forebears laid on the espress road to your home, and they decide to live there.
The stupid smell left by the first mischief of mice pretty much marks your house as hot property.
Try and track their entry point with the talc or flour method (tracing footprints) if you can find where they get in you can block this. Leave a selection of foods out for them to see what their preferences are then load snap traps with them, one of my favourites was grass seed also sunflower seeds,shelled, seemed to do the trick. I spent a lot of time with humane traps and never caught one, switched to snap traps and rounded up the family. Another favourite I just remembered is Jelly Babies broken in half. Once I got rid of them I bought some sonic emitters which seemed to deter them from re-entering although I have seen a new device on the market which protects the whole house but can't remember what it is called something like Homeshield. Good luck in evicting the little devils. Lo xxx
Call for a professional exterminator. You should be able to find one easily in your local yelleow pages or online. An exterminator should be able to locate the source of the problem and take it out.
let me tell you:keep all doors\windows closed all time. Inlets like those or toilets\wash basins etc must have a shield or must be closed after use. dont keep any food stuff outside. Conduct a complete clean and renovation of your home.now try using rat poison, but if you have kids at home dont use them. Just pet a cat if you like them. but maintain cleanliness.
Have you thought about getting a cat. I had this problem many years ago and within a couple of weeks the mice had gone.
Have you found a nest??
The nest may not be on your property, so food may not be getting back to the nest.
The cat idea is a good one. But remember to take the bate up before you do borrow the cat or you'll have dead cat and no dead mice.
It maybe time to get some1 in to sort it out if you cant get rid of them.
Adopt a cat from the RSPCA.
They are already sterilized and fixed.
And look at it this way, you won't have to pay allot out for food to begin with...erk, but true.
You'll be helping the cat out and it will help you out, and believe it or not, you will fall in Love with Him/Her.
Leave out some rice for them?
If you live in a terrace (town) house, you will find that there will be interconnecting channels for mice to go from one house to another. To eliminate them complete from such premises, you will need all the residents in the block to attack the problem. If this is your problem, you need to speak to your neighbours because no matter how clean and careful you are, they will be reproducing in another house and coming back or using your house as a 'mice-run' to get to another house. Check for any holes that interconnect with the outside or next door, not fogetting the place where your utilities enter the house - water, gas, electricity. Plug them with closed mesh chicken wire scrunched up and them plaster over.
You could also try one of those electronic mice deterrents but buy one that is truly powerful and will blast humungous decibels of ultra sound in the room where they are frequenting.
Make sure that you do not vary what you put down. Never put food down for mice, as you will always give them a reason to come back. Put poison down and nothing else and keep on emptying your bin each night. Give that a week or two. Mice return when they receive rewards. If there is no food bar poison they will not return.
Edit - the idea of putting food down is false. If there are two mice, one gets killed in the trap, the other has a nice meal. The second comes back with its mates the following evening. Also, the have a keen sense of smell. They will be attracted to the nice smelling food, but mice are good learners and will learn to avoid the trap, and end up looking else where in the kitchen. POISON ONLY - NO FOOD.
Get a loan of somebodys cat for a day or two.
If you live out in the country there is nothing you can do, but if you live in a rural area, then there is either a nest somewhere, or you are not using the right kind of trap,bait,etc.
It seems like you have a rather large ';nest'; situated in or around your house.
This is war! Don't give up! Make sure that there is NO food source available to them other than what is in the traps. Use only cheese in the traps - this is NOT a gourmet eating contest for rodents. Use plenty of traps, and don't put them out until you go to bed;switching off all the lights in the house.
Good luck! P.S We will fight them on the floors, on the bench tops, in the cupboards - we will NEVER give up!
I have the same thing:
In my home there are 5 mouses And I have 2 cats
And the cats eat the mouses
And i feel very happy now!
I would get onto pest control at your local council, who will come round and give advice. Mouse don't only just eat food, they will eat wallpaper, furnishings etc., There is obviously a nest nearby, that your pest controller should be able to find.
If you live next to a restaurant, you could be getting mice from the restaurant..Or if you live in an apartment, they could be coming from someone else's apartment..
Why don't you get yourself a couple of kittens..Or a BIG Felix the cat type..That should solve your problem!
Good Luck Hon..
Depending on where you live my guess is they are coming in your house because fall is here,and they are looking for a nice warm place until spring. Here's what you do with your trap take some peanut butter and put it on some bread,and then mash it all up real good so it gets like a dough then stick that dough on the traps stick after it dries it will be like cement,and the mice will have to pull on it to try to get it off,and then WHAMO! dead mouse. If that does'nt work try using a shotgun.
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